Welcome to Onion Clicker!

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You mind sharing the code you used for the shake effect when you hover and click the logo on the home screen with me?
arras 3 years ago

The source code is available, just click on the red “View Source” button

damn this is epic ngl
Hello, I am the creator of this website, if you wish to play the new, more original version about onions, then play here: a new update is coming out very soon so get ready!
Might add secrets to my game for you all to hunt for, nothing gameplay affecting, just some fun little secrets you can find.
Discord server is coming soon so I can also update you guys on there. I will also make a blog for you guys to get updates on, also I've made a new website for things about Onion Clicker, (The blog I was talking about is in this website (The blog's not there now, it's a work in progress) also the community tab from 1.0 is going to be there instead of the main game.) you can find the URL to the site above.
All new update 1.1 "Onion Clicker: REBORN" is going to be released very soon! 😱 With loads of new features like 📊 Leaderboards, 🕹 Minigames, and lots more, get hyped! 🤠 Exact release date is not known yet but hopefully it's not too long. You can email me at "". I am going to release a public testing page for everyone to test out the new features (some of the features, not all of them.) ↓
The testing page is just for you guys to look at the new features and tell me what you think of them! All of your guys' feedback is greatly appreciated. Consider following Onion Clicker so you can get notified when I announce something. Will probably make an announcemant here when 1.1 is realeased. But that's enough from me, goodbye. And Happy (late) New Year!

Website Stats

Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedJun 26, 2019
Site Traffic Stats


clicker idle incremental game videogame