Nickle4aPickle on NeoCities

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nickle4apickle 1 year ago

AAAHHHH I'm so excited to finally have this done! ;w; I've wanted my own pixel doll/art site since the mid-2000s, and now I finally have one!

Has anyone in the pixel art/dolling community found a working Wayback Machine link to 2PIXEL? I just spent way too long trying myself. @_@ And I mean into the site proper, not just the landing page with the "Enter" link. Every time I click it, it just reloads the page. ;A;
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Your site is so cute! I'm definitely adding your button on my Links page! :D
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bechnokid 2 years ago

Oh gosh, thank you so much!! <333

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nickle4apickle 2 years ago

Aw, thanks for following back! <3

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nickle4apickle 2 years ago

OK, I think everything is working again! Now to work more on my pixel art site. :D

nickle4apickle 2 years ago

If you happen to notice anything broken or otherwise not working properly, lemme know!

OK, I made a landing page that will link to my various site sections, so now for the nerve-wracking part: deleting everything that I've got on here right now so I can re-upload with better organization! So my site's going down (hopefully only) briefly!
Thanks for the follow!
So, I'm very much considering changing my website up a *lot.* My main idea right now is to keep what I've got, but also make a pixel section of my site. I used to do pixel art a ton back in the day, and I really wanna get back into it now that I've got a new computer! So I'm thinking of making a landing page where you can pick which side of the site you wanna go to: the pixel site or my faves site!
nickle4apickle 2 years ago

It's just an idea right now, but I wanted to put it out there nonetheless!

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skykristal 2 years ago

That sounds pretty cool actually. ^^

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Thank you so much for following me back ~a month ago! I really appreciate it! :D

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedApr 29, 2022
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videogames kpop pixelart anime nostalgia