Taste of the Islands

500 updates
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faced with the harrowing prospect of attempting to upload all of my art for a fandom I've been in for 7 years and organize it into html. I've made hundreds of individual drawings for this. Help....
lemonadeocean 19 hours ago

I will do it. Part of the reason I made this page at all was for the security of having most of my many many years of fanart and original work archived together, organized and easily viewable someplace. But I'm an inherintly disorganized person so basically YEARS worth of art is just. thrown haphazardly into my pictures folder. Perhaps this is the impetus to organize my art on my own computer lolllll 😅

undertaking a much more complex project for my page, might be a while before I update!
you have an absolutely gorgeous website! <3
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Your site is so cool!!!!
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lemonadeocean 2 weeks ago

thank you! owo

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oh man what the hell, I just realized the site I've been using to upload my mp3's for my playlists deletes files if they don't get called after 90 days, and I guess they deleted a bunch of shit off of Drawn From Our Scars already. Lmao wish I noticed that before I bothered uploading all my musacs on there! Won't effect much atm but needless to say I'll be uploading my mp3's elsewhere from now on
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lemonadeocean 2 weeks ago

This won't really affect anything noticeable on neocities btw, just an annoyance. You might see me updating the playlist pages a bunch again bc of it :/

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lemonadeocean 2 weeks ago

fixed it! lemme know if you notice any of the files not loading or anything

lemonadeocean 2 weeks ago

if nobody else got me i know got me

continuing on my journey to post all my playlists. This one is quite old, as it focuses on Lord Business from the lego movie, intended to be a retelling of his descent into madness from his own perspective. It is very dramatic and silly and I wouldn't have it any other way :)
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making friends on neocities feels like being a kid playing in the sandbox at the park with another stranger's kid, in the best way possible

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedOct 27, 2022
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ocean calypsolemon lego playlist