
486 updates
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Thanks so much for the kind words n email! I JUST saw it, for whatever reason it got marked as spam lol.
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Update: Added a radio show pop out widget for easier listening on PC. Thank you to hebrXj for basically making the whole pop out java code like a legend. This website wouldnt exist without him. go checkout his site
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OCTOBER UPDATES! 10/19/24 - New Halloween Themed Thrift Store Radio - Light Halloween Theming of website in general. - Monthly thoughts box replaced with photo box for the cover of the monthly TSR (Find monthly thoughts and other updates in the blog section of the "About" Page) - Gallery has finished construction. It is currently in a temporary state and will be receiving updates later down the line.
(i love this website so much)
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How strange... Im intrigued. Also the guestbook website is busted now woops
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fleshspectacle 3 months ago

thank you for letting me know, its been fixed :^]

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedAug 4, 2024
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indie music gallery art radio