enter the clamverse

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site's back lol (probably some broken-ness but i neeeeeed to get this up ive had it 99% done for like 6 months ;;___;; )
Hey! I think you left a sweet comment on my cat Rocky’s shrine, but in my sleepiness, when I was clicking to reply, I accidentally hit delete!! ;;__;; I just wanted to say thank you for your kind comment, and I’m glad you could share his memory with me <333
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tinypaws 1 year ago

no worries <3 ive done the samething more times than i care to admit LOL. you are very welcome :D

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my site is broken cos of reorganization sorry sorry i have an update version in the works but might not be for a few weeks ^^;;;

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedJun 18, 2019
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