Goat's Desert

529 updates
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900 videogames in your Steam library is impressive! I'd love to see a full recommendations list from you sometime in the future. You've probably already bought/played these games but if you haven't, you should definitely check out Inscryption and Brutal Orchestra. Thanks for the follow back too!
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chaosgoat 1 year ago

Impressive or a sign of a problem? Lol. I have Inscryption and it's very much my kind of game. Brutal Orchestra is new to me though and it looks rad as heck, thanks for the suggestion!

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Rad game lists, very much my kinds of games: Boomer shooters, CRPGs, ARPGs and roguelikes heck yeah!
Goat's Desert was updated.
1 year ago

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedApr 1, 2022
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videogames metal rpg ttrpg boardgames