Unicursal Maze Research

1,511 updates
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2023-12-10. Updated latest completed path on index page.
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2023-12-09. No new latest completed path today.
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2023-12-08. Updated latest completed path on index page.
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In response to your question, I can only hazard a guess. The field in the button is a 4x13 (presented length-wise). A 4x6 determined field has 1,044 unique paths and so a 4x13 field would have... A lot more. If someone told me "10,008!" I would consider that... A bit low given my experience.
skep 1 year ago

That's a lot of buttons.

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2023-12-07. Updated latest completed path on index page. Altered home page *again* in effort to make button appear more prevalent on the page.
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skep 1 year ago

But how many other different paths could you fit on that button?

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2023-12-06. No new latest completed path today.
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2023-12-05. No new latest completed path today. Altered home page in effort to make button appear more prevalent on the page.
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2023-12-04. Updated latest completed path on index page.
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Last updated 10 hours ago
CreatedAug 23, 2020
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