Unicursal Maze Research

1,511 updates
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2023-12-14. Updated latest completed path on index page.
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2023-12-13. Updated latest completed path on index page.
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2023-12-12. Updated header links and slightly re-organized which pages go where. There may be more updating to come but this was a necessary updating of webpages that needed to occur in order to facilitate future growth.
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2023-12-12. No new latest completed path today.
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2023-12-11. A quick update: The pictures for Gallery #4 has been fixed. You may now view Gallery #4 as intended. That's the good news. The bad news is that the REASON for why the pictures weren't showing up is because the pictures had a .PNG extension and not a .png extension. This means that a lot of my inventory may not be viewable in Neocities as they are in .PNG and not .png format.
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2023-12-11. No new latest completed path today.
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2023-12-10. Uploaded Galleries #3 & #4. The pictures may not be appearing in Gallery #4; It might be a Neocities issue (sometimes, images take a while for Neocities to "register" them) as that gallery performed as expected in tests. If the pictures don't appear in the gallery within a day or two, I'll remove it and assess how to display the pictures so that they may be seen.
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Last updated 11 hours ago
CreatedAug 23, 2020
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