Yosaia's Home for Retards and Whatchamacallits

206 updates
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Dropbox link to audio on home page which I was using stopped working so I changed it for the direct usercontent link.
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In other news, I just finished making a basic template for my art display pages with a 3-column masonry layout, so the art page (or at least the OCs section) should be up soon, once I get my images and descriptions sorted.
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Accidentally added the autoplay notice from the index page to the other main pages, so I just fixed that.
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I turned the footer buttons into their own separate page inside an iframe so I don't have to spend all that time making a single change consistent between pages. Might do this with other elements. Still working on the art page but I've been very lazy when it comes to working out a system and getting all those images.
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someotherstranger 2 months ago

Based. I did something similar using JavaScript, but I've been considering switching to iframes.

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yosaia 2 months ago

I was actually trying to to it with JavaScript before but couldn't figure out how 💀

pretty cool site (hi fellow kiwi!!), but why are pagans not allowed to interact?? genuine question.
Sorry for not updating my site in a week, I got a little bored. I'm working on the art page as well as some writings/blog posts.
your entire website gives off 💀💀💀💀 energy, realest stuff ever
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hardmachine 4 months ago

I'll take it! Thanks!

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Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedAug 18, 2023
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christian vaporwave music art furry