Yair's Garden

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i like your webbie!!!!
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Love love love your site! Added your button to my page <3
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Love love your site! Added your button to mine <3
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Love your site! I put your button on mine! <3
Added your button! Your site is wonderful <3
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cloverbell 1 year ago

thanks so much T__T it means a lot to me!! I love your site as well ^^

Hello! Would love to join the mental health circle! I have DPDR and have been in therapy/treatment for a while, and really think I can create a comforting place sharing support and my personal experiences. Thank you <3
softheartclinic 1 year ago

Hello! I'm sorry for the extremely slow response - I'd been taking a break from Neocities. If you'd still like to join the circle you're welcome to. What would you like your site description to be?

Website Stats

Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedMay 20, 2022
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personal 90s 2000s internet vibes