When I Was a Child in Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)

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Friday September 29, 2023. I have also reviewed, vetted and polished Chapter 17, "Departure and Hindsight," of "When I Was A Child In Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)."
Friday September 29, 2023. Additionally I have polished "JOSÉ LORENTE REPORTS FROM TURKEY," Chapter 12, "Bazan Magazine for the Year 1960" of "When I Was A Child In Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)." Most changes entailed reshuffling the structure of Spanish sentences.
Friday September 29, 2023. I polished "JOSÉ LORENTE REPORTS FROM CYPRUS," Chapter 12, "Bazan Magazine for the Year 1960" of "When I Was A Child In Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)." Most changes entailed a reshuffle of the structure of Spanish sentences.
Thursday September 28, 2023. I have also polished "JOSÉ LORENTE REPORTS FROM ISRAEL," Chapter 10, "Bazan Magazine for the Year 1958" of "When I Was A Child In Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)." One new Youtube video.
Thursday September 28, 2023. I have polished "MARÍA DOLORES PEREZ LINOS (D.P.L.) REPORTS FROM ISRAEL," Chapter 14, "Bazan Magazine for the Year 1962" of "When I Was A Child In Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)." Most changes were the splitting of lenghthy Spanish paragraphs to make the English translation easier to read.
Wednesday September 27, 2023. I have spat and polished "Jerusalem (II) Digest" and "A Bright Orchard Where The Lemon Tree Ripens" found in "MARÍA DOLORES PEREZ LINOS (D.P.L.) REPORTS FROM ISRAEL," Chapter 16, "Bazan Magazine for the Year 1964" of "When I Was A Child In Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)."
Tuesday September 26, 2023. New segments, "Did Bazan Magazine Snub D.P.L.?" and "The Close Ties Between Spain And The Arab World," in "MARÍA DOLORES PEREZ LINOS (D.P.L.) REPORTS FROM ISRAEL," Chapter 16, "Bazan Magazine for the Year 1964," of the homepage, "When I Was A Child In Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)."
Monday September 25, 2023. I have polished the segment, "Jerusalem (I)," Section "MARÍA DOLORES PEREZ LINOS (D.P.L.) REPORTS FROM ISRAEL," part of Chapter 16, "Bazan Magazine for the Year 1964," of the homepage, "When I Was A Child In Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)."

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CreatedJul 2, 2015
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