
413 updates
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Hello! I just wanted to say that I enjoyed looking through your website, especially your blog! Your post about Starfaring Strangers and xenofiction really peaked my attention, and I'd like to know more about it!
someotherstranger 2 years ago

Oh hey! That's awesome, I'm glad my website and blog could be a source of enjoyment. I'd be happy to talk more about Starfaring Strangers, but I'll probably have to do it in a blog post since Neocities' comment system has a pretty short character limit. XP

I said I wouldn't do anymore layout revisions, but here we are, another (more internal) change. No new pages unfortunately, aside from a Butchy. More pages coming as soon as I can draft, refine, and design!
The third (and hopefully last) layout refresh! New pages, cleaner formatting, and... a secret page? More details in my latest blogpost (now moved to it's own page)!
Another layout refresh! Spent most of the day reworking the website's flexboxes, only to end up preferring the old flexbox design. Changed everything to iframes for easy updating, so today wasn't a complete wash. Also considering whether to scrap the MIDIs for some more fitting .mp3's. MIDI has the old skool vibe, but mp3 has more fitting music. Decisions, decisions... More pages coming soon!

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedAug 11, 2021
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