The web site of thedepthsofescapism

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thedepthsofescapism 2 years ago

Okay change of plans, basically i decided rather then redoing this whole side of the website i'd uh, basically make a different website with a different theme each year

thedepthsofescapism 2 years ago

so uh yeah im just gonna leave this 2021 version of the site as it is just so i can move on and keep everything up to date lol, oh also the 2022 site will be early 1990s game themed!

thedepthsofescapism 2 years ago

oh also about the new page! you don't see it! if you do no you don't :)

thedepthsofescapism 1 year ago

(if you see my comment saying the 2022 site will be early 1990s game themed no you dont uwu, though it did become 1990s game themed in the sense its based off of psx lain?)

Website Stats

Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedNov 8, 2021
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