The web site of thedepthsofescapism

2,316 updates
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Uh yeah! Just wanted to come on here real quick and announce that i wont be adding new art to this website for a bit, as i will be redoing the whole art collections area at some point and id rather not add more to those collections knowing im going to have to redo it all later if that makes sense. So until i redo that part of the website there will be no more art posted on here, please go to my other socials to 1/2
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thedepthsofescapism 2 years ago

2/2 my latest art pieces. Also side note but not being able to proof read my messages on here until i actually post it scares me lmao and sorry for all the typos because of that

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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedNov 8, 2021
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