aw yeah babey

3,123 updates
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i came here to say thank you for the clearness and in-depth directions on the comment widget, but i also wanted to extend a compliment for how y'all have managed to make a website both appealing and incredibly easy to navigate (at least in my opinion kfjdgjf)- you guys are really cool and i admire your skills a lot :)
virtualobserver 8 months ago

this is so kind thank you ; _ ;

bro i have no idea how u can do daily updates but keep up the good work o7 also your art is really cute if you're meaning to get your art page up and running id like to see it :]
dirtiestlaundry 8 months ago

thanks! I've been meaning to get to that for a while but i forgot, thanks for reminding me lol

1 like
hi i like your dogey. cool site.
1 like
hito 8 months ago

Thabk u (barks)

1 like
your site is so beautiful ;; it's like chocolate and honey i love it
1 like
your site actually put me in a trance i love your boldness and the rainbow cursor was bewitching 10/10
AAGHH YOUR SITE IS SO COOL!!!!!! i love love love the way you have your info laid out and also i commend your patience for setting up 11ty because i can Not wrap my head around it ;; following to hopefully see things grow!!
1 like
your art style is so, so cool...i love the bold color choices and the recurring snake themes are really interesting :) keep it up!
1 like
sunnyshines 8 months ago

aahhh thank you so much, snakes are very fun to draw hehe. thank you thank you - ☀️

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedDec 20, 2020
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