Current update on the main site: Picrew avatars replaced, site css classes cleared up to be uniform, some sweeping grammar checks, smaller --global-margin (15% -> 7.5%) and larger --global-menu-shift (15% -> 20%) so the body centers easier, mobile css fixes, expanded Directory with more links.
BuKnight website is now re-organized and proof-read much the same way as the main one.
Seemed to have worked, it's back to roughly 10/10, 30/25 just how it was before the web index.
Aww, thank you, that is so sweet of you! ♡ I hope you're doing well and wishing you all the best. So happy to hear my site could be helpful!
Thank you for linking me the comic about the My Little Pony dolls who have existential crises. I am also having one. This pleases me.
Of course I put the wrong About pages in the wrong folders.