Stormy Cove

4,101 updates
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Stormy Cove was updated.
8 months ago
Added figcaptions to everything in my gallery. I know as I learn more coding stuff, it's gonna change, but ti should be a lot easier now with how better organized I made the code. Might go through OC things next. Will I stop procrastinating OC galleries? Maybe. We'll find out
Stormy Cove was updated.
8 months ago
Stormy Cove was updated.
8 months ago
Stormy Cove was updated.
8 months ago
1 like
Stormy Cove was updated.
9 months ago
Rip Squidge is down. Hopefully it comes back up. I have another host in mind but that one doesnt have dark mode T_T
Stormy Cove was updated.
9 months ago
Stormy Cove was updated.
9 months ago

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedMay 4, 2022
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