Stormy Cove

4,101 updates
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Added a status cafe thing. Been looking into RSS. I'm a little confused about it but I'll look more into it later. What're some other fun or neat things I can add to my site? Any recommendations?
stormeko 1 year ago

I also might merge some pages so I don't have to keep editing the nav and side bar for everything. Learned you can use JS to update it in one place, but the nav title changes with the page, and the side changes depending on where you at T_T

Stormy Cove was updated.
1 year ago
I've decided that trying to style the lightbox or anything that I don't already have in my stylesheet or HTML is now the bane of my existance. It was annoying as well but at least it's not blindingly white XD
Stormy Cove was updated.
1 year ago
Stormy Cove was updated.
1 year ago
stormeko 1 year ago

Idk how it took me this long to figure out how to style my Guestbook. Idk if it looks good, but it'll do for now! Now to figure out how to style the lightbox, and maybe mess with the blog

Stormy Cove was updated.
1 year ago
Stormy Cove was updated.
1 year ago
stormeko 1 year ago

I need to not hyperfocus on doing code for like 7 hours straight heck. But the gallery stuff is done. I dunno how to change it from blinding white for the lightbox, but I'll figure it out eventually maybe

Time to play "Is the lightbox working because I misread something and did something wrong, or is it because I'm using Grid and there's grid items in the code that's messing with it?" Or will it be the secret 3rd option of me procrastinating this even longer? Let's find out Edit: Make sure your JS link is right. That was the problem!
stormeko 1 year ago

Okay using Grid already isn't the problem. I must've made a mistake somewhere. So that narrows it down a little!

stormeko 1 year ago

My only guess is that you can't only follow the EZ Gallery thing and have to actually download the PhotoViewer too, but wouldn't it say that on the EZ Gallery page?

stormeko 1 year ago

I told myself I'm learning code pretty quick. But guess who just found out the problem? The JS wasn't linked right. I spent like an hour on this last night XD

stormeko 1 year ago

That's interesting though. I put the JS file outside of any folders. The art years are in an Art folder and then a Years folder. I didn't think I'd need to do ../../JSFile since I don't need to do that with the CSS file for my Worlds which is like that. Huh. Learned something new today!

Stormy Cove was updated.
1 year ago
stormeko 1 year ago

Idk why the lightbox isn't working

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CreatedMay 4, 2022
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