Stormy Cove

4,101 updates
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Stormy Cove was updated.
1 year ago
Time for another question for yall! Where do you host your images? I normally assume something like Imgur or Discord instead of onsite. It'd take up a lot of storage quickly if it was on site, wouldn't it?
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jade-everstone 1 year ago

For me, I prefer compressing my images & keeping them onsite. That way everything's in one place. using compression tools like tinypng & only uploading lo-res art will keep things small (you can actually do a lot with less than 1gig when you compress pics)

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Stormy Cove was updated.
1 year ago
Someone come and make me learn BS and mobile responsiveness if I haven't done that before like winter. I keep putting it off. Maybe I'll get to that once I update all the headers and details tags. I also need to learn about those psuedo elements since those confuse me a bit. Maybe I should also try making a page without grid. That could be a fun challenge!
Stormy Cove was updated.
1 year ago
Stormy Cove was updated.
1 year ago
stormeko 1 year ago

Gonna mess with blog theme later. I kinda like the default though

Stormy Cove was updated.
1 year ago
Happy 1 year to my site! It's neat that I ended up making it on my mom's B-Day too

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedMay 4, 2022
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