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menmy 5 years ago

i was talking about that with my friend recently. "They won't even consider words outside of their mindset" agreed. imo people shouldn't attack each other for that, but talk with each other in a calm way to obtain a solution, or even, argument in a healthy way. the problem is that i see a lot of people with a closed mind more than before. facts don't actually matter for them, like they know everything already, ...

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menmy 5 years ago

... , they see and hear what they want to and healthy arguments turn into a toxic conversation. it's so tiring really, it's like people aren't thinking for themselves anymore. it's sad.

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sdsnuda 5 years ago

Yes you are right! I have classes with leftist proffesor. Sometimes I can really agree with some of his arguments. But when I want to disagree with him, he won't even let me speak out my mind. Discussions should be civilized and open-mindness is always really valuable .

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menmy 5 years ago

ugh thats such a shame. he could learn even more from a discussion and it's such a shame he's basically denying it.

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