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rlly cool tbh
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Cool site. It's good to get your hands dirty with HTML and CSS! Even if you wind up using template-based stuff a lot, perhaps for a job or portfolio or something, it'll be that much more customizable!
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rozina 4 years ago

thanks :) i'm still figuring out how to do stuff with html and css, and i find it much easier than using standard premade templates since i can customise my own code more easily. i've still got a long way to go with all this, but this is pretty much the beginning

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diodetapestry 4 years ago

Cool links - I spent heaps of time scrolling brutalist websites. Really like to see people pushing aesthetics and designs that are more challenging to readers. Any time I come across a friendly portfolio page with "lets work together!" plastered across a screen width photo portait I gag. I just discovered monoskop recently - any recommendations for cool articles on there?

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nosycat 4 years ago

TBH my favorite Brutalist website is this one:

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rozina 4 years ago

@nosycat that site's actually better than most of the modern sites out there today

rozina 4 years ago

@diodetapestry i really enjoy scrolling through brutalist websites since it's one of my main sources of inspiration, not to mention that i also HATE those friendly gimmicky portfolio pages. as for monoskop, check out the articles in the software section as a starting point

stumbled upon your site and it seems really cool tbh
diodetapestry 4 years ago

Hey, thanks!


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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedApr 4, 2020
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personal html art design blog