Ocean Floor Hotel

2,802 updates
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i’m an amateur at pretty much everything except photography so i usually never post my art or anything because i know its amateur even though im proud of it. i feel cringe as shit sharing it so fucking bad like immediately i regret it and feel like i should be ashamed of myself lmao. in reality it’s like should i be ashamed? i really don’t think so because i would not judge someone else for that reason.
virtually-isolated 2 weeks ago

No need to feel ashamed, this is our virtual playground and studio! I'd love to see what you're working on!

anyways i updated my photos page with four of my favorites from an adventure in the woods the other day. its fall time so its very orange out lately. what a time 2 be alive! :))
wtf that update post broke because i renamed my photos page file eh
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hello neocities babies. you little typing fetuses <3
i replaced my collage section with my photography instead. i don't do collages that much. i do take my camera out way more. i added some of my favorite photos i've taken in the past, but i have more. but thats good for now. i also realize they're sized super weird but like i said. THATS GOOD FOR NOW.
your title and user have aura i’m excited to see what you make
ghoulishcraze 1 month ago

YEAAHH thanks!!! :D ((i only saw this now im so sorry T-T))

thx for the follow! your site is seriously sick it’s badass
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bonecharms 3 months ago

tyty, i love ur site too i never see vaporwave stuff anymore its so underrated. && i love ur commentary too :3

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comparison is the joy killer. the moment you compare your work to someone else’s, or someone compares yours to someone else’s, the joy is literally dead.

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJul 29, 2023
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personalwebsite vaporwave ocean