Thank you very much!! The graphic is from the original title page of Kafka's Metamorphosis, although unfrotunately I've never been able to find more information than that.
Thank you so so much for your kind words! Really, they brought a smile to my face and made my day. :)
and the plot is okay-ish but the jokes are really what made me so disinterested in continuing to read it :( but you should try reading it and forming an opinion yourself though, I can't speak on everyone's behalf!
I'm wishing you well!
I can't thank you enough for the tender words swiftred, genuinely. And that compliment is not weird at all; if anything, it's one of the best I could receive. I hand-wring often over being too open whilst simultaneously not knowing what it takes to be 'too' . Please, only ever visit if you desire to . Like you, you hold your own nook in my heart and mind anyway : ) Forever may you be well!
Thank you!!!