
400 updates
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limelickerstuffs 9 months ago

your art is so nice

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phi1l1y 9 months ago

Thank you much Lemmy! : 3

It looks like you're still working on stuff, but seeing 'bug stuff' written instantly had me going "let me in..." Glad there are other bug lovers on here. Excited to see what you do! Your current index reminds me of old personal sites I'd find as a kid : 3
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burgercities 9 months ago

YAAAYYY THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I am so excited other ppl r excited for me to work on the site more, especially with bringing my bug blog back muehehe :3 So so happy there r other bug likers here too!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

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Your layout is so nice to look at! It feels very clean but not too simple it's boring.. The collection of websites you have also is very helpful, I'm probably gonna add it to my bookmarks for good measure lol. Good work !
alvaniss 9 months ago

Thanks! I recently realized I had it and thought maybe it would be helpful to someone if I post it publicly.

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Read through 'The Red-Eyed Sheet' and really enjoyed the no-pen-pressure, heavy-crosshatching look you had going on. It's a style I enjoy but can often be hit or miss-- you very much hit in my opinion. I also love that little pixel drawing of Isabella (I'm assuming an OC?); it's very cute and the shading is pleasing to the eye ! Can't wait to see more : )
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limelickerstuffs 10 months ago

Thank you! Isabella is my oc and I'm glad you enjoyed my comic c:

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Site rework live... I hope it all looks alright. Lots of new stuff though I still have to add pages for my literature and dreams. Please CTRL+SHIFT+R the pages if they retain the old attributes! Thank you, hope everyone is okay.
I want to revamp my site... but I don't want to... Also with the rate spiders keep visiting my home , I might have to create a seperate 'bug rescue' page (if I ever sit down and work more on the revamp in the first place)

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedJan 15, 2023
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art personal writing adult queer