our space: reclaim the internet

104 updates
0 tips
to quote beatnik ~ omg i have so many fucking sites to add to our space
Submissions have been going to the wrong address. SO SORRY FOLX!!! I'll send y'all an email when ypu
ourspace 7 years ago

Neocities really needs to fix the edit link. This is SUPPOSED to say ~ send y'all an email when you've been added.

1 like
Not sure how many folks saw the update to the page, so I'm posting this now: I'll be updating the ring every 5 or so sites. Don't despair if you haven't yet been added, I haven't forgotten!
New members have been added ~ you may have to refresh/clear the cache to see.
beatnik 7 years ago

yeah, i totally meant to post this as beatnik, but what the heckity ever

1 like
I’m sorry that I unfollowed you on my main, I read your post and I know that’s kinda what they’re trying to accomplish. To make it up to you, I’m gonna follow you on all of my other sides :p
potassiumMCR, tsuyoi medicine and up all night ~ welcome to our space! (If you haven't been added, make sure the code is in place & submit again!)
alcleaner 7 years ago

can you fix my link. it links to an email address instead. thanks ~alcleaner

ourspace 7 years ago

have you reset your cache lately? i noticed it when I did this update & fixed it soon after.

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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedJul 22, 2017
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