1,794 updates
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Got real sick and sad over the last week or so. Still am. I'll have an episode again and write a fuck ton or do some crazy update. Give it some time.
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ADHD burnout. Not of the site but of everything. Things are being planned, guides are being written--there just might not be any actual changes on the site itself for a few days. Remember, the end goal of this site is to be my public little hub for my content, so only occasional updates are to be expected. Just don't think I forgot about it. I never will.
oneiric-somnolence 2 years ago

Also, for the record--I'm still keeping up with all y'all's sites and posts even if I don't say anything about it!

cute site, bro
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Awright, updates include: Jack Chronicles 001 has been up for a bit, Japanese Mahjong guide - THE VERY BASICS is up, updated ABOUT page to add another shoutout, and new homepage is in the works! Also, I'll get the gallery going some day. Just need to figure out what all I'm gonna toss up there and how exactly. So, if I'm not feeling like getting out another Jack or a guide, HOME and GALLERY are top of my list.

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Last updated 8 months ago
CreatedNov 18, 2022
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