mufo house

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mufo house was updated.
5 months ago
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6 months ago
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8 months ago
dryhands 8 months ago

i hope you feel better soon! i really liked this remark: "they have no ability to resolve conflicts because they view everyone else as a toxic antagonist who needs to be defeated through shame tactics they copied off twitter and tiktok." i was thinking about this phenomenon too and you described it very succinctly.

mufo house was updated.
9 months ago
mufo house was updated.
10 months ago
v cute! i really love your art style
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mufo 10 months ago

Thank you! :D

I relate so much to your experience with Bloodborne! It felt so punishing and impossible (I put it down for a year at Gascoigne LMAO) but if you keep trying, you steadily make your way through and get more confident. I think you're right that this game is kinda an incredible therapeutic tool to change someone's relationship with failure. It feels so good to beat a boss. One of the best games ever imo!
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doqmeat 11 months ago

YEAH!!! i honestly didnt think i would have been enjoying this much but here i am! glad you could relate to it <3

mufo house was updated.
12 months ago
mufo house was updated.
1 year ago
mufo house was updated.
1 year ago
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CreatedFeb 22, 2023
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