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I know how that feels. I know it’s not much, but I just wanted to say that I do really like your comics and art.
@palmisthouse thank you bro, honestly this motivates me to continue my work 💪
Entendo bem esse sentimento, eu amei muito o seu estilo e toda a ideia do quadrinho e do seu site! Nesses momentos eu sinto que é péssimo a gente ficar se cobrando muito, então espero que saibas que oq vc fez até então já é mto inspirador!!
You can do this, I know you're strong! Continue what makes you happy and leave behind what doesn't. Your comics r some cool talented stuff and don't give up🩷
Keep doing what makes you happy, but don’t feel like you have to post more cuz forcing it can just make you lose interest (ive been there). Take a break if you need to, we love your comic and art! And if things get tough, you can always talk to us. Stay strong!