Site of Woe

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YOUR SITE IS SO INCREDIBLE!!!!!!! I'M MESMERISED!!! It's so well-made, I can see your passion for it in every single page:D Also the little fact generator on the about you page is great, how did you make it???
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I edited my index.html page today, but it doesn't show up on it for some reason??? Does anyone else encounter that problem or is it just me?
mism4tchedsocks 5 months ago

have you tried ctrl + shift + r ? i don't remember the reason why this works slmdkf but it usually works for me! could also be small typos in your code or something else :D

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mis3rable-wr3tch 5 months ago

@mism4tchedsocks, I haven't, but I cleared my browser's website cache and it worked too. Thanks for the advice though:D

I'm literally speechless, your site is so unique AND SO DELECTABLE!!!!!1!1!!!!!!!
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freaksaint 5 months ago

;v; wahhh what a sweet message, thank you so much!

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your site's really cool, also based library!!!
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vampzppup 6 months ago

thank you! we have similar taste in books so same to you <3

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedMar 9, 2023
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