
1,993 updates
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@@@ was updated.
8 months ago
@@@ was updated.
8 months ago
Nice website! ╰(*°▽°*)╯
mantaray 8 months ago

HI Daniel, it's me, Mantis. I found your site whilst browsing the blogosphere with my friend (also named Daniel) and I just wanted to say that you seem like a very bright and intelligent young man. I am sure that the future will hold many promising opportunities for you.

1 like
danielsblog 8 months ago

Thank you! Wishes like this always give me a reasons to think about myself, and what i am done for my life, like looking backward. I am also wish you to have a good future, and always find only the best feelings in life! :D

@@@ was updated.
9 months ago
1 like
@@@ was updated.
10 months ago
revisiting the structure of the code of this site.... woof.... going to be doing some adjustments
1 like
@@@ was updated.
11 months ago
@@@ was updated.
12 months ago
I am working on a new site! not abandoning this one, just directing my attention towards the new project for now :3 It is in partnership with a local artist-run gallery in my city who r funding me to create an "online exhibition" weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! so excited
1 like
@@@ was updated.
1 year ago

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedMay 6, 2022
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