Video James

257 updates
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Not so hidden now, éh?
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hiddenwebpage 4 months ago

It's not *my* webpage that's hidden LOL, it's like. The title of the story? Unless that's not what you meant... Do you remember it, too?

hiddenwebpage 4 months ago

Oh... What did you mean, then?

gradientos 3 months ago

Well, your site is literally "hiddenwebpage"

GM note: haiiii thank you for following!!! -GM hunter
aclumpofmoss 4 months ago

of course!! your thing seems really interesting, and i'm excited to see where it goes!

aclumpofmoss 4 months ago

also, the geek code on the old homepage was a delight to recognise!

Your coding skills are really impressive! /genuine
Video James was updated.
4 months ago
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Video James was updated.
4 months ago
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federiefederi 4 months ago

Hi, please consider supporting our neocities community project by giving us a follow... we're trying to help smaller sites gain more reach and your support would help a lot! thank you ❤

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Video James was updated.
4 months ago
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Video James was updated.
9 months ago
Video James was updated.
9 months ago
Video James was updated.
9 months ago
Video James was updated.
1 year ago

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedSep 28, 2022
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