Video James

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Video James was updated.
3 months ago
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Video James was updated.
3 months ago
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Video James was updated.
4 months ago
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Welcome aboard Vega where celestial unity awaits. Please take your complimentary bathrobe.
hiddenwebpage 4 months ago

Oh, uh. Thanks?

Video James was updated.
4 months ago
omg... that creepypasta you linked was def one that i remember reading back in HS... memories.. also love the site so far!!
hiddenwebpage 4 months ago

Thanks for the compliment! I'm glad people at least remember the story. Even if it *is* just me and Alice who know it's real.

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Could I join the webring? My site is and my slug is hiddenwebpage, I put the HTML on all my redesigned pages so far
ghostring 4 months ago

Absolutely! I added ya, thanks!!!

1 like
Awesome site! I thought the "Hole" you described on your homepage to be pretty interesting, so I'm reading the creepypasta right now! Though I was born WAY after Y2K and all the other old-web things, this is a very interesting read, thanks for sharing it!
1 like
hiddenwebpage 4 months ago

No problem! I'm glad you like my site, I've worked really hard on it

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hiddenwebpage 4 months ago

GM note: we were actually born way after that too lol, we're like 14 -gm dave

1 like
GM note: thanks for the follow -GM Woods
I could totally help you with the design of your site, if you want me to! :D
hiddenwebpage 4 months ago

I'm working on that right now, actually! :D That's not what I meant, but I appreciate the offer and will let you know if I need help.

gradientman 4 months ago

And I can help anyone with JS problems like I did for my GhostSalt for Dark Mode over here! :3

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedSep 28, 2022
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creepypasta arg unfiction