Draggian Universe

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hey, metalcore-adjacent music enjoyer folks. Here's a band recommendation for you -- Path to Failure, whom I learned of via a flyer posted on a lamp post when going out for lunch today. They're extremely baby (such that this might actually be a signal boost) and pretty genre-standard, but show a nice balance and good guitar work.
draggianuniverse 1 month ago

They have a show on December 10th I'm probably going to just so someone's there besides their parents. Maybe if I'm really lucky and supportive, I can be one of their first notable fans. That'd be fun.

draggianuniverse 1 month ago

Their teammates on said show in A Kiss Before Dying are also extremely baby. (I have been doing a lot of scene assessment lately; it's not enough for Neocities posts but you can see my scene spreadsheet with all my opinions linked on the Music Scene Hub.)

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Last updated 3 hours ago
CreatedMar 25, 2021
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