CableCat's Cozy Room!

705 updates
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I love your site! Nice cozy design, makes me long to be in Hot Topic.
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malice-in-wonderland 1 year ago

thank you ^_^ i just checked out your site i love the color pallete and fun pages :)

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cablecatscozyroom 1 year ago

I'm working on trying to build it out way more. It is totally unfinished. I need to flesh out the shrines and the recipe book in the kitchen next, but I followed my whimsy instead and added the media link archive.

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cablecatscozyroom 1 year ago

Oh yeah, your spacehey was really cool! I never knew about that sort of myspace alternative. Maybe I'll make one later!

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malice-in-wonderland 1 year ago

you totally should! it's really cool and its always getting updates and stuff

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good site.
Your site is amazing!! Do you take submissions, and also do you have a button for your site that I could put on mine?
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freshestcuts 1 year ago

Hi! Sorry for the late response, I was still in the waiting period. I just set those up! The links and such for both of those can be found in the Contact/Submissions section :)

It is awesome how much you've already changed your site!
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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedOct 28, 2022
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