CableCat's Cozy Room!

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Finding my love of cooking again, so I am updating some of the recipe pages!
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I just went onto DeviantART for the first time in YEARS and it is piping hot dog shit. Eclipse sux, parts of the layout were clipping on my screen. It's like a basic black layout, how do you screw up a basic black layout so badly?? It's 2023, a site that big should not be clipping al over, and an art website with a basic black layout is like ????? It's the most uncreative and non-"deviant" thing ever.
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bright-eyes 1 year ago

I prefer the old Deviant art... You could use it then, but I find a lot of modern web design is bad - it's like they've forgotten how to design a website during the past 20 years.

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cablecatscozyroom 1 year ago

Idk if I'd call a lot of modern wev design objectively bad. I think minialism is used as an excuse and even a crutch when we're talking about neeing to be compatible on so many different platforms. Minimalism in surface design, not in the coding or algorithms. I'd call most of modern web design objectively boring. It's all black and white, like Checkers you know? "You gotta eat." It gets the job done, but is mediocre

I have no clue what to add to my website next. I need to work on the kitchen but I know it will be a lot more work to get it to a decent state and link the recipe pages. UUUUUUUUGGGGHHH

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedOct 28, 2022
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