Baja Blasphemy ♥

514 updates
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Your site is incredibly cool. Such a nice and perfectly executed aesthetic!
anothermigrane 1 year ago

Much love!!! I'm glad you enjoy it :D

Thank you for the follow. I love your site and your art is beautiful! I'll link you when I get the chance!
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menmy 1 year ago

tysm for taking the time to write this! ure so sweet <3 i really like your art too, i wanna get into drawing more diff things once im less busy

i deleted your comment on accident omg ); thank you so much though i really appreciate kind words!!
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1 like
love your site. I'll add your button to my page as soon as I can!
thanks for the follow love the look of your site!
1 like

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMar 15, 2022
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