Unicursal Maze Research

1,728 updates
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2020-09-04. Uploaded streamlined stylesheet as well as modified FAQ webpage. Would have uploaded more but the internet connectivity is slow at the moment.
2020-09-03. No web updates today; I worked on streamlining my stylesheet and also on some webpages.
2020-09-02. No web updates today; I began a new portion of the 5x6 field.
2020-09-01. No web updates today; I completed another portion of the 5x6 field, though. I intend on building the other portions of the website later today.
2020-08-31. No updates today; I'm working on non-website maze items, some of which will probably be featured on the website at some point.
Initial versions of the FAQ & gallery pages have now been uploaded.

Website Stats

Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedAug 23, 2020
Site Traffic Stats


maze mazes math javascript svg