Aloan´s Website

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empeethree 2 years ago

I'm diggin' this

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empeethree 2 years ago

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOTALLY RAD!!!! Atari 2600 came out the same year Three's Company came onto TV, and the same year the Apple ][ came out! Actress Suzanne Somers was a beautiful actress, but now she's old enough to be a great-great grandma, and yet wants us to think she is "20-something". Here in Neocities, we want to look like we are in the year 1998, while it's 2022 in reality.....

empeethree 2 years ago

Neocities seems to be a good time capsule for 90s Internet Geocities nostalgia, so in a way Neocities with the 88x31 buttons and other Geocities aesthetics is like Suzanne Somers trying to look decades younger than she actually is. I made a community with a fictionalized version of her. It's common practice for celebrities to be in a fictional dimension aside of real life and Hollywood.

empeethree 2 years ago

I had such a big thought about this, that I had to make three separate coments because of the character limitations. I coulda misspelt Suzanne as "Susan" to reduce the character lenghth, also, Silicon Valley is not too far from the birthplace of the IRL Suzanne Somers, a beautiful celebrity she is, from Three's Company and Step by Step, great classic TV shows!

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