Alan's Website

1,779 updates
2 tips
took like 8 minutes to upload everything and im pretty sure i just forgot something
WOW! remember this site? i hope you do cause im actually going to update it this time........ i'm super super super close to finishing a really long blog post detailing all the stuff I did for the past half a year while updating some other stuff... it'll come out either tomorrow or on monday, i swear
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invisibleup 4 years ago

Oh jeez. Hope you feel better soon.

important: the site will have to be on hold because i recently was in a medical emergency. im sure im going to be okay before christmas but currently im Not So Good™
alans-website 4 years ago

if you wish to follow my twitter: alan_toshi

wow im alive now! asking now, are people fine if i have a little section for my collection of games, computers, whatever?

Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedFeb 5, 2018
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videogames art blog