When I Was a Child in Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)

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Tuesday April 18, 2023. Today's news is July 4 and 7, 1963 (Chapter 15, "The Local News for the Year 1963").
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empeethree 1 year ago

1963 was a time before the Internet, and a time before desktop PCs, a time when computers were the size of a room. Arguably, the first IBM PC was more powerful than room-sized IBM mainframes from the 1950s and early 1960s.

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empeethree 1 year ago

but, one thing that's debatable, is that the Internet started back in the days of the telegraph, kinda a primitive form of it.

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Monday April 17, 2023. Watch four short silent movies shown during the last three months of 1906 at the "New England" Theater. The webpage, "Ferrol's New England Theater (1906-1914)," is accessible through Chapter 26 of the main page, "When I Was A Child In Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)."
Sunday April 16, 2023. I have reviewed what I wrote between June 6th and July 2nd. I have improved the writing style in a few spots. Overall the changes are few.
Saturday April 15, 2023. Today's news is June 30 and July 2, 1963 (Chapter 15, "The Local News for the Year 1963").
Friday April 14, 2023. Watch some of the twelve movies shown on September 15, 1906, the opening day of Ferrol's "New England" Theater. The webpage, "Ferrol's New England Theater (1906-1914)," is accessible through Chapter 26 of the main page, "When I Was A Child In Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)."
Thursday April 13, 2023. Today's news is June 25, 26 and 28, 1963 (Chapter 15, "The Local News for the Year 1963").

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CreatedJul 2, 2015
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history spain galicia