The Daydream Dimension

897 updates
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we pray for love and receive torpedoes in its wake. random thoughts from the daydream dimension.
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Happy 2025, lovely people! <3 Hoping for new and beautiful daydreams abound this year. Hard to believe that this site will be 2 in December!
ONE YEAR OF THE DAYDREAM DIMENSION TODAY! Thank you all for checking in to this cute little personal hub of the internet that I have. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful day! <3
Howdy everyone! Tomorrow marks *one year* of The Daydream Dimension! This website is still growing and evolving, there is never an end to what can be done. I'm proud to have anyone look at / follow this website at all. Thank you. <3
Aloha! Gave my homepage a much needed face lift, it's been nearly a year since I've updated it! Expect more wonderful cosmetic changes to this website soon. I'm excited!
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Plans to add some cool things to the site are coming! ^_^ I have had ideas in the works for a little bit. I’m excited!
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Hi everyone! I know it’s been a solid minute since I have updated the site - life has been beyond hectic, and I desperately need to at least add a journal entry. Much love. 💜
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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedDec 5, 2023
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blogging vaporwave spirituality daydreaming general