TheCozy.Cat | Welcome to my corner of the internet

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Hey LilithDev! I recently started a Facebook Page & Group to promote the small web movement, and just wanted to let you know I've featured your site in a post: ♥. Your site is fantastic! Love the theme. :) Have a great weekend!
I've created a Facebook page and Facebook group to help promote the small web to people who primarily use big tech platforms. :) If anyone would like to join, I am doing daily personal website features on my Facebook page. If you'd like your site featured on the page, join the group and share your site there. Feel free to share other people's sites there as well! The more it grows, the further it'll reach!
thecozycat 4 months ago

Also, I have enabled anonymous posting in the group for those who value their anonymity. Facebook also allows for creating new profiles/pages that are linked to your primary account, making it easy to create pseudonym profiles without identifying information. Page URL: Group URL:

engelsbeginn 4 months ago

This is a neat idea! Will you also be posting to platforms like Twitter and IG? I only ask because not many people use FB these days (that I've noticed).

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thecozycat 4 months ago

Not currently, but I'll look into making an IG for it. :) There's a built-in post scheduler on Facebook that will cross post to both the page and IG at the same time so it'd be no extra effort to do both. I'm not on Twitter or Tiktok though so if you or anyone else wants to make promotion accounts for it on those platforms, lmk and we can affiliate! :)

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thecozycat 4 months ago

Nevermind, I won't be able to set up an IG account. :( I was going to link it to my facebook page but for whatever reason, my account is restricted. I can't even post anything on IG. And of course, Meta doesn't tell me why I'm restricted or can't post, just that I can't. The only way to appeal it is to submit my ID and I'm definitely not doing that. So for now I'll have to just stick with the Facebook page.

engelsbeginn 4 months ago

Oh that's so odd. I wonder if it's because your FB account is new? I don't blame you not sending your ID, F that. I'd actually love to do a Twitter account! I'll email you to talk about it.

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thecozycat 4 months ago

Sounds good! Keep me posted once you've got it set up. :D

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Thanks for the follow! ^^ I was checking out your art page and you do absolutely beautiful work in a variety of mediums! I saw your photography too ♥ gorgeous macro shots! I do a bit of photography myself. It makes me happy when I come across others on the small web who share an eye for it. :) Keep up the great work!
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I've created a digital interactive rune oracle deck for Halloween/Samhain on the front page of my site. ♥ Go check it out and pull a card for your free reading!
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rhzartist 5 months ago

I love your site, it's really personal and calming!

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thecozycat 4 months ago

Thank you so much! 🥰 That really means a lot. 💕. I love yours as well! Your art is beautiful 😍

Thanks for the follow! I just checked out your site and you've done an amazing job! I love your crafty page ♥ I love to crochet as well and thought the plastic flip flop sole you made was so cool! I've never seen crocheted plastic before and it's a great idea for recycling. :D
thecozycat 5 months ago

I noticed you have a reading and writing section as well. I'm not sure if you'd interested but I'd love to invite you to join The Book Ring! It's a webring for everyone who has bookish content on their sites, be it books they've read. Writers are also welcome to join! If you're interested, it's in the 'Town' section of my site at the 'Library' :) or go to

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lars-sabia 5 months ago

hi, thanks so much! I actually never finished that pair of flipflops but I'll get around to it someday. About the book ring, I'll check it out! But to be honest I'm not sure how webrings work exactly. Thanks for the follow

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thecozycat 5 months ago

Webrings are kind of like interactive directories. :) You add a little html widget to your page, and all the members who have the widget share traffic from it essentially. It's kind of like a group, everyone who's part of a webring centered around a specific topic usually either shares that same interest or has content relating to it on their sites. It's a great way to discover people you share things in common with!

Just wanted to stop by and say you've done a beautiful job with your site!! This being the first one you've made from scratch is fantastic!! ♥ Keep up the amazing work, it looks great! :D
beaniepines 5 months ago

Ahh you are so kind! Your site is amazing, so inspirational :) Thanks for being neighbors! ^_^

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thecozycat 5 months ago

Aw thank you!! :') And absolutely! Thank you for being neighbors with me as well! :D

your site is beautiful, & so much fun to explore!! <3
thecozycat 5 months ago

Aw thank you! ♥ :') I just checked yours out as well and love your aesthetic! Also, I love your fortune page! Such a cool idea. :D Thanks for adding me as your neighbor as well! I've added your button to my Neighbors page :)

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Very cool website! ♥ Also, you have a talent for poetry. :) Keep up the great work!
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kkbkkb 5 months ago

ahhh thank you!! :D your website is super cool too! i've definitely got to get back into writing poetry, it's been a couple years since i last wrote anything :3

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thecozycat 5 months ago

Thank you kindly! ^^ You definitely should! Writing is such a wonderful creative outlet. I don't write poetry myself but have come to really love reading it over the past couple years; it's a beautiful medium! I look forward to seeing more of your work! :D

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedJan 15, 2024
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books resources personal freedom webring