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2,858 updates
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massive update !! if anyone knows why my index.html page isn't updating please let me know. otherwise i added new things including a graveyard for abandoned pages. have a nice day/night everyone :]
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scarecat 2 months ago

if you want to, you can put inset: 0px on your container to center your page (or, alternatively, remove position: absolute from the container and nav)

scarecat 2 months ago

(saying this because i noticed a margin:0 auto; despite it not being centered)

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smock 2 months ago

thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

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smock 5 months ago

okay i removed all the songs that don't work so i only have like six but music on my site is baaaaaack!!

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site is not dead!! super busy though, will update .. soon. winter term ends soon so :]
sorry for the lack of updates! been traveling and have to get ready for college :p
✰ enter ✰ was updated.
1 year ago
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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedAug 13, 2022
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