redid the entire damn media tab!!!! yippee :)! way happier with this it looks like a little library you can scroll through. definitely other stuff i want to add to it but oh well. for now its good :)
Joachim shrine created everyone cheer. Just have to finish the 5 million other pages now
in theory i could have still worked on it but i was staying at a friends place and they dont have internet rn
maybe you could write the habit tracker on a notebook and then copy that onto the site? But yeah having to access the internet is a paid. Another thing you could do is have a copy of your website on your own computer unless you already do, which you can edit offline.
I'm super happy with this new home theme ^^! plus it features vesper, who hasn't been seen on this site at all yet
Much more confident in my ability to keep this habit diary up this month, things might get tricky on the days I'm driving back home, but I think I'm allowed to put an update on hold at the end of the month to spend time with my loved ones