
778 updates
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Thank you so much for the follow!
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No new posts, but I've added a new layout and some buttons.
Links work now! I have to go through and delete some files since I didn't nuke everything before pushing again, but it works! There are articles back-dating to when I first starting converting to using jekyll, and most of my posts from nyanbinary. I haven't moved over the posts from the layout before this one, but I will soon. TY for being patient with me!
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Links don't work (thanks jekyll), and it's the wrong css file, but I got the neocities push working at least. I'll push another update later once I fix the link problem.
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My site is probably going to look weird today. I'm temporarily nuking it so I can show a friend how Neocities works. If I have time later, I'll put up the new layout I've been working on. It has most of my current posts and a bunch of new ones. It also might not upload correctly because it'll be my first time uploading via the cmd tool.
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skitter 2 years ago

I might change my username again too. I know it's bad for search engines, but I don't really care.

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Your poem about the thread being unravelled is very touching
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skitter 3 years ago

thank you!!

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedNov 13, 2020
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writing journal ocs