the misadventures of missy

704 updates
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missymjwrites 11 months ago

It's been a while since I've edited my site. I'm looking to clean up my main page and have been looking into accessibility design and stuff. So it's going to be a lot but bear with me, I'm now working 6 hrs 5 days a week now, so it's been very tiring for my adhd brain... But anyways, this is just a code (similar to code for my writing) for the Bookbug digital bookclub page, very excited to have this finally done!

Nice write on ethics & abortion ...women's rights matter
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missymjwrites 11 months ago

Thank you! It's a very old piece, and I can see places where I could've done better. But hey, at least it shows that I've grown as a writer! Haha, thank you again!

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Welcome to Neocities! :D Your site looks awesome, keep up the great work!
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missymjwrites 1 year ago

🥺🥺🥺 thank you! I appreciate this comment a whole bunch <3

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thebookring 1 year ago

Aw you're most welcome! :D ♥

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Hiya, this looks fantastic! Definently going to look into joining soon (once I get a dedicated page up and running). Just a quick Q, do we have to read the chosen book every month? Just in case I have a busy month, or the book isn't available (via legal means). Thank you in advance for answering it <3
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bookbug 1 year ago

No worries; it's totally fine if you miss the book every once in a while. (Though I would encourage piracy if the book isn't available by "legal means.") I look forward to you joining!

missymjwrites 1 year ago

Haha, I wasn't going to say that but I'm glad that it's a blanket "aokay" rule (obviously, I try not too, but physical books are ridiculously expensive and the library doesn't have every book 😭). But awesome, I'm glad to hear it! I'll set up a page this month and will chuck ya a post once done. Thank you! <3

I can finally comment! I want to say thank you for following me <3 It's already been such a blast re-learning to code and everything! I love looking at everyone's sites, they're just so creative!
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CreatedJan 27, 2024
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