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happy pride month!
luvdisc 1 year ago

hopefully i'll be able to work on adding more to the lists throughout the month >__>

also, i'd like to add a masterlist of every single game ship name (excluding or including spinoffs is undecided as of now)
alright after very quickly running a tumblr poll and getting a few votes (im going with the current results even though they could change just bc i want to start working right now) we'll be adding a page for spinoff ships, such as those from pokemon masters ex, pokemon colosseum/xd, etc etc
luvdisc 1 year ago

i'd like to get pages for as many categories up even if the current lists will be kind of lackluster, just to make it easier to add to those when the time comes to expand on the list. hopefully the lists won't remain as small as they are currently for too long

for the life of me i cannot find an actual __Shipping name for nemona x penny. yuri fans we lost
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guestbook is up! i'll work on adding a paldea page soon, so if anyone knows of any ship names for those lmk! the only ones i rly know of are paldeashipping (arven x nemona) and ephemeralartshipping (hassel x brassius)
luvdisc 1 year ago

i was using roostshipping for hassel x larry but im probably going to check tumblr to see if anyone else came up w anything for them :')

luvdisc 1 year ago

update: i saw someone using workdayshipping for hassel x larry and i rly like that

finally got the ability to post messages on here since i last logged on...i'm thinking about giving ships their own individual pages to maybe highlight some fanartists/fan content of it...also i'll get the guestbook set up today as another way to submit ships to be added!

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedApr 14, 2023
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