Tyler's Webbed Site

1,727 updates
0 tips
i just added you to the webring variables. Sorry for the late reply
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ironminer888 1 year ago

Thank you very much! I will be adding the webring widget to my site soon

Made a decently big update! Added a new section on the site for gaming, changed some file paths to behave better when referenced outside of the home directory, and added some downloads for my Worms Reloaded custom content.
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Added a new page on where you can find me while I'm playing video games, and some general cleanup across the site. You may have to force a refresh in your browser to clear the cache and view the changes.
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I noticed this a few days ago, it looks like the "districts" page on neocities might have been hacked or something? it's just a gif of a rotating rat
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A tiny update today. More content has been added to the Exceed shrine, plus I've been added to the Autists Online webring
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A spoonful of an update tonight. Added static versions of some flashing buttons which replace the animated GIF versions if you have prefers-reduced-motion, and added lazy loading support for a few more images.
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Website Stats

Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedApr 26, 2023
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