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the music on your site is so nice !!
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datasoul 2 years ago

haha thanks that was something i made real quick to match the banner

gonna have an update coming out soon on the site itself. right now im working on expanding NOW into new territory. making an interactive game that can be played in the web browser, i will be pushing out the first build of the game very soon as well. stay tuned for this new update!
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wilton 2 years ago

sounds exciting :D

1 like
Latest issue is out, not final draft but i wanted it to come out asap.
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There are still many small memoirs and chapters that i wrote on various pages scattered about, believe this a reflection of my own experiences in the last couple years and creative inspiration to pull together characters into a story and build a world around it all :P im currently gathering all pieces of writing and running it through a draft phase which will be overlooked by eye as they travel through the scroll.
datasoul 2 years ago

in the next chapter of NOW// The Memory Scroll.

NOW is "semi" posted atm. I trimmed it down and did a few revisions. This story has been in the making since 2017, the perspectives and direction aren't so disorienting, please enjoy the story. Chronological order = "Now//The Memory Scroll", "NOW// As the Wind Moves Us Along", "NOW// To Those That Chase The Breeze"
hi wil! great site you have there.
wilton 3 years ago

thanks! yours is such a relaxing experience, I was intrigued by it

Sweet lus, amazing to meet you :)
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dearest C0, great meeting you :D
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dear ara, nice to meet you :D
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arandomsite 3 years ago

Nice 2 meet u too!

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedApr 4, 2021
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writing music art