the end is nigh

2,757 updates
0 tips
images on the new lore pages are temporary. updates coming soon
semi-massive lore page update coming soon. doing lotsa research
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capaxinfiniti 1 year ago

reuploaded my files bc neocities is a v tempermental bitch

is there a certain zoom at which it's best to view your site? i keep getting some display problems on my end, sorry
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nenrikido 1 year ago

hiii it should work at any zoom, the grid automatically resizes once the page finishes loading to fill in any gaps/match the viewport. it could be a loading time thing? sorry, not really sure what the display problems could be otherwise. i've tested the site pretty extensively on diff browsers & zooms w/o issue so i'm not sure how to recreate the problem you're having.

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nenrikido 1 year ago

there is a specific issue in which if you switch the theme, the content might look odd because all the fonts are different which leads to sizing differences. in which case refreshing the page will fix it. but other than that i'm not aware of display issues. sorry about that though!

part of the aetherweave webring now! i kinda forgot that updates won't show on here anymore but i've got a new webring section on the abt page and in the index footer ✌🏾
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site now points to my new host btw in case the teacake url is confusing
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tovera-chronicles 1 year ago

Congrats on the custom URL!! I bet it feels nice to have one finally

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added new buttons to the links page and update the site's font to atkinson hyperlegible--not sure if it quite fits with the aesthetic, but i'll keep it for a while to see how i like it's accessibility features...
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added a contact form to the about page for ppl who wanna access me right away. it's connected to my disroot email, not pm
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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedMar 27, 2021
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